As we start back to school this year there is a sense of anxiety that just hasn’t been there in the past, and rightfully so. We know that we all are having to make tough decisions about how we will educate our students. I want to take a minute and share something that has been on my heart. I know many of you are struggling to decide what the right option is for your child. Do you send them to school or do you choose a virtual option? I won’t claim to know what is right for your child, because these decisions are very personal - one you have to decide for yourself, with and for your family. Listen, there are always critics out there, people that love to make others feel bad about the decisions they make. You have to weigh your options, think about the pros and cons, and most importantly pray about it. Then make your decision, the one that works best for your family, and move forward with confidence that you have done what you believe is best for your precious one(s). It’s hard, honestly it is hard for all of us. Please remember, you know your child better than anyone else. You my friends, are the one that God selected as your child’s parent.

We, as a school, are here to support you and your family as we move forward in this uncertain time. There will be decisions that have to be made that none of us really like, but we will do the best we can. We will put aside our personal preferences, politics, and other bias to make the best decisions possible to move forward as a family. In doing that, we as a district continue to commit to consider the health and safety of our students, staff and the community as a whole when we are making determinations for our school.  We are well aware that these decisions could be the difference between life and death, this continues to weigh on us every day and with every decision we make. Tomorrow we will be posting our plan for the first three weeks of school and how that will look for us. It is not ideal, nor is it traditional but we believe it assists us in keeping all of our students, staff and the community as safe as possible.